This is a play, performed by the 3rd ESO students from IES Gabriela Mistral (Sant Vicenç dels Horts), based on the movie called "Little shop of horrors" in the 80's.
The idea and the new script started in summer 2008, been part of a new way of working with the foreign languages such as English.
This is not only a small project between the teachers from Foreign Language Department into the well-known PELE & "Projecte de Millora de Centre", but it has involved the AO of 3rd ESO & 4th ESO students.
The aims are:
- Students learn something more than English language
- They work in groups into the classroom
- Work Coordinated from different levels (3rd & 4th ESO)
- Involve other subjects (Experimentals, Música, Dibuix, etc.)
- Mixed ability project (CBs)
- Contextualized Activity
This project, directed by Vanesa Viadel Navarro (Cap de Dep. Lleng. Estrangeres) involves teachers such as Sara Roig (3r & 4th ESO), Manel Navarro (4t ESO- AO) & Edda Quilarque (3r ESO-AO), and takes into account the different levels of the students in the classroom, and brings the opportunity to show their different skills. Therefore, everybody can participate in it.
The students practise the play Monday and Wednesday.
The Aula Oberta students have developed their Syllabus planning basing on the Play.
They are dessigning a set, the clothes and the Audreys Second's framework (the Plant).

Dancers & singers
More "Role-Play" activities at school (2008-2009)
"Apply for a job"
"Waiting for the Bus" (Bus Stop)
"At a restaurant" (I)
"At a restaurant (II)
Students with Special Needs (4th ESO- C'')