Tuesday 19 January 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy new year 2010

Classic & new films highly recommended:
Love actually is a romantic comedy.

It is a series of love stories of several people: from a Prime Minister to rock star, and others.

It takes place in England and France during the Christmas season.

All the love stories show the serious and fooolish sides of love.

This is a movie about Niko, a reeinder boy who has heard that his father is one of the famous Flying Reeinder Squad of Santa Claus.

One day, Niko heard that a pack of volves plans to go to Santa's place and eat all the reeinders there.

Monday 18 January 2010

L'Adam, el nostre "assistent de conversa"

Durant aquest curs 2009-2010 gaudirem de la presència de l'Adam, un assistent de conversa vingut des de Liverpool. L'Adam forma part d'un nou recurs dins del "PELE" (Pla Estratègic de Llengües Estrangeres) per fomentar i encoratjar els alumnes a parlar en llengua estrangera(l'anglès) dins l'aula.